Tuesday, December 30, 2008


Is a weird day. All normality is gone. I am distractable and aloof. The kids are still in their PJ's and so am I. The first week of Christmas break is always exciting, then all of our company leaves to go home, and I always feel left behind. My mom and dad are in MI, where he is fighting for his life. I miss him and love him, and I wish they were here. Each Christmas is always different than the last. I always try to re-create the perfect holiday, but it always falls short. This year I honestly didnt even try, and it was fine. I just didnt have the desire this year. Christmas truly isnt about all the hype, it is about family and this year mine wasnt here. I was sad...and I cried a lot. But God is giving me an amazing amount of grace right now, and I am hanging in there pretty well....So, CHEERS to a new year! I cant wait to start my garden and hope for a better tomorrow.


maynard said...

you know, i'm reading this and listening to "stars" by helene jane long and realize how fitting it is to your blog. it's moving. you can actually feel your words through that music. i'm so glad to experience life with you. you make life fun and exciting no matter if you're in your pj's or not. thank you...because i don't ever thank you enough.

Celina said...

That is so sweet...thank you love.